Thursday, October 24, 1996

The Land of Lost Socks

It was 9:36 on a Monday when Super Sock Man-Super I call him- called. He said that he had been getting complaints about socks suddenly turning up missing. It's a mystery in the making. One problem- the land of lost socks (where the socks go) is, from what super said, above the clouds. It shouldn't be a long trip in the flying laundry basket. The toeprint machine is small and hopefully won't take up much room. In two days we take off.

I'm all packed and ready to go! Oh great Super is here! He just flew over in his flying laundry basket with the toe print machine in the back. We just took off. We're up above the clouds. Everything is just how we planned. But, wait! What's that?

"Oh, the land of lost socks," Super told me.

"You mean it's really shaped like a giant sock?" I asked.

"Sure is," Super answered.

I couldn't believe what my eyes were revealing. Super has been here once before, so it wasn't as big for him as it was for me. As we landed on the Land of Lost Socks I became amazed at a whole place made up on only socks.

"What holds this together?" I asked Super.

"I'm not sure," he said. "But by the end of the trip I could know for sure."

"Is there any life?" I questioned.

"On the West Side my friend Shoeley who came years ago with me insisted he saw life, but I'm not sure of that either," Super explained.

As we walked along I saw socks galore: green, blue, red, white, black, gray, pink, orange, yellow, big, small. They've got it all.

We took out the Toe Print Machine and picked a gray sock. It read: "Owner-Crystal Klein."

Wow! That's my cousin. I can't believe I found her sock! The journey went on that we found more socks with owners. When we made it to the West Side Super said that he saw one being that is shaped like a sock. I didn't believe him until I saw it for myself. Believe him. It was shaped like a giant sock. Super and I decided to give up on the toe prints for a few hours and go look for that being. We saw it again and started chasing after it. We stopped it. It started to say something. It said hi. I looked at it funny and said, "Hello, my name is Liz and this is Super."

"My name's Joe," he said. Joe unzipped his very well hidden zipper. He was a normal man: jeans, t-shirts, light brown hair, green eyes, and glasses. I couldn't believe what my eyes revealed.

Joe brought us to his station. He sat us down. He told us everything from A to Z. Joe didn't leave out a syllable. To make it short, here it is:

He discovered a place in the sky where you can live. Through every house socks were left around. He stole them. Years went by and he's been collecting and collecting.

Joe told us he was sick of it. We decided to bring home all the socks and return them to their owners. We would say that we didn't know who took all the socks. The next morning I glanced out the window and the media was everywhere.

It turned out that Super and I were declared national heroes.

(I wrote this in 7th grade!)

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